
SICAB 2021 – 16 to 21 November

Dates confirmed


The event will be held from the 16th to the 21st of November in Sevilla


ANCCE officially confirms the dates for the 30th edition of the International Purebred Spanish Horse Trade Fair, SICAB 2021 and the World Purebred Spanish Horse Championships, which will be held from the 16th to the 21st of November at the Palacio de Exposiciones y Congresos (Convention Center) in Sevilla, if and when the health situation then so allows.


ANCCE has been working for the past few months so that SICAB is once again a reality while planning the phases of the event’s “new normality.” At the same time, a wide range of initiatives are being organized to commemorate 30 editions of what is considered the greatest, world-class showcase of Purebred Spanish Horses, including but not limited to a special logo, promotional video and other promotional enterprises.


Timely and detailed information about SICAB 2021 will be provided over the next few months.


Reserve those dates now!!!

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