Associated Championships


GB PRE CAVAGO Associated Championships

Tuesday 22nd - Saturday 26th October 2024

Olney Grounds Equestrian, Willoughby, Rugby CV23 8AJ

These Championships are organised by British Dressage and our Championship is specifically for PRE’s and PRE fusion horses. There are a number of Championships available for a variety of different breeds of horses and for all levels. For the first time all the Associations will be under one roof at Onley’s first-class facilities allowing the opportunity for all 13 Associated Championship categories to compete in the same week, over a five-day festival. 

How To Qualify

The qualification period for the Cavago Associated Championships is 1 January 2024 to 31 August 2024. To qualify, all you need to achieve is three scores over 60% (Prix St Georges – only two scores over 60% required) within the level you wish to qualify for, and in accordance with the BD rules which can be found in the Members’ Handbook. 


To qualify for all levels, riders and horses may hold BD Club, Full or Trial memberships, or compete as BD Community Members with a class ticket. To compete at the Championship, all riders and horses Prelim and above must hold Full (competing) membership and registration. Combinations at Intro can compete on a Club membership. Joining relevant associations is no longer compulsory. However, we advise that you join these to take advantage of their benefits.


Scores can come from regular BD competitions or Team or My Quest competitions. (You cannot use Area Festivals, Combined Training, Freestyle to Music, Regionals, Under 25 Championship, Winter or National Championship scores.)


If you wish to take part, you need to register your intention to qualify, please follow the link below to register:

Submit Your Scores

Once you have your three scores you need to submit them to British Dressage by filling in this form:

Which tests will be used at the Associated Championships?

The Championships will continue to use the current tests for 2024:

  • Introductory – B & C
  • Preliminary – 17a & 19
  • Novice – 23 & 37a
  • Elementary – 53 & 59
  • Medium – 73 & 75
  • Advanced Medium – 91 & 98

Good luck!

How to get to the show