New Associated Championships sponsor
Although qualification for the Associated Championships is on hold until competitions can restart, BD are continuing to progress things behind the scenes.
You may have already seen the announcement BD made in December regarding their new sponsor for the Associated Championships; Elite Equine, who are excited to be supporting this popular series. For those of you who aren’t already aware, Elite Equine rosehip supplement is a powerful natural anti-inflammatory and antioxidant made from 100% organic rosehip powder, providing organic joint support for both active and ageing horses.
Associated Championships 2021
Rider & horse registration form
BD have just launched their Associated Championships registration form, aimed at anyone who is looking to qualify for the Associated Championships in 2021. The form is to enable them to capture details such as which Championship they are intending to compete in, whether they’re an existing member of GBPRE or not, and the level they’re competing at. BD will then use this data to send monthly e-newsletters and this is where they will be able to share any information and news from GBPRE to these members.
Associated Championships 2021: date and venue
BD are continuing to work on contingency plans for all of their competitions that are impacted due to the current lockdown restrictions – although they don’t have an update at this time on the confirmed date and venue of these championships, pleased be assured that as soon as they are able to confirm this, further details will be released.
For further information please contact BD Sports Operations Officer, details below.
Stephanie Verge
Sports Operations Officer
British Dressage
T: 02476 698845